Author Archive

Location of IARC

IARC is the Illinois Accelerator Research Center.  It is part of what used to be the CDF experiment building. See the Fermilab Site Map.  IARC is located on this map at the red dot labeled “CDF”. Here is the site map marked up with directions from the East (Batavia Road) entrance (green) and from the… More »

Starting with the periodic table, Dr. Aliaga (re) introduces the Standard Model “Air quotes” “The resulting electron should have an energy odf precisely 3.169 GeV” “But that’s not what we see!” “You can rotate a Feynman Diagram like this…” Neutrino oscillation! The tour bus leaves the Industrial Buildings after the tours there.

Los Grandes Misterios de la Física de Partículas Registrarse en este sitio web  ¿Qué hacemos en Fermilab? El programa de Física de sábado por la mañana (SMP por sus siglas en inglés), invita a la comunidad hispana de los alrededores de Fermilab, y en especial a los estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias y a sus maestros, a que vengan a escuchar a la científica Argentina  Marcela Carena.  La… More »

The Tour of DZero

The tour of the DZero experiment (pronounced “dee-ZEE-row”) lasts substantially longer than the other tours.  One reason is that the distance between DZero and Wilson Hall is greater the other tour sites.  Here is the route from Wilson Hall to DZero. This takes about 15 minutes each way. We consider the DZero tour to be… More »

All SMP students are assigned a Tour Group number by first initial of their last name. Last Name Group A through F G1 G through L G2 M through R G3 S through Z G4 The tours begin and end at Wilson Hall.  The tour to DZero ends no earlier than 12:30.  All other tours… More »